Lucifer versus Satan

Good news, Christians!  Lucifer is not Satan and Satan’s not Lucifer!  Yes, I know that’s not what Father Farkel told you, but hang on, it’s not Father Farkel’s fault.  Forget what Father Farkel said for now, because fortunately we can figure this out once and for all! Continue reading

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“Dad’s here!”

A very good friend of mine died suddenly a few days ago, causing me to reflect about the pain inflicted on the living when someone we love leaves us too soon.  A wife, a son, a daughter suffer the worst pain imaginable, and friends and family, also in pain, make every effort to comfort those closest to the deceased.  It may help to some degree, but it’s inevitable that all of us will be left with many moments where we face the loss alone, whether it’s driving in the car, brushing our teeth, lying in bed at night, or merely sitting in quiet contemplation.  We play the scenario again and again in our head . . . memories about a lifetime and fantasies about a future that will never be.  My friend’s death reminded me of my own father’s death, and with the prospect of another son and daughter facing their first Father’s Day without a dad, I decided to post an article I wrote many years ago.  It was never published, but I thought for this Father’s Day, almost 18 years after my father’s death, it was time.  This story is dedicated to all the sons and daughters who celebrate Father’s Day with nothing more that the memories they hold.  The following short story is entitled, “Dad’s Here!” Continue reading

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Left Lamers and Other Driving Fun

Some of us are old enough to remember when driving was fun.  Driving meant the open road, less traffic, and no electronically distracted drivers.  Men were men, ships were wooden and gasoline was loaded with lead.  Sometimes, when I’m sitting at my desk, I close my eyes, breathe deep, and dream of a bygone era.  Often, I can actually feel the polycyclic hydrocarbons of the car exhaust Continue reading

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Celebrity Spotlight: Godzilla

In a career that spans six decades, no Hollywood star comes close to the pop culture craze that is Godzilla.  Starring in three dozen movies, no other actor must endure the ever fickle whims of producers and directors alike, because, after all, the mighty reptile’s career encompasses decades of political change, wars and technological updates, and Continue reading

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Pure Energy!!!

Energy ain’t cheap, anymore! What made this nation great (the United States) and was instrumental in helping it win two world wars, is now the instrument of its accelerating decay. Cheap energy was the formula for power and success for this nation, or any other nation, that replaced backbreaking human labor with machines . . . time saving, powerful, efficient contraptions fed with black muscle we call oil. Whether you believe that government conspiracies cover up vast quantities of crude or you’re sure this planet will run dry, one thing is certain– we use a lot of energy and most of it is produced by burning oil.  Now the uptick in the value of oil, coal, and wood, and coupled with the constant urge to save the planet, are forcing Continue reading

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On the Road Again!!!

It’s the new politics. It’s the “let’s roll up our sleeves and get down to business” look. It’s the casual craving, the distrust of the established Philadelphia conservative dress code that is the staple of winning elections and job interviews since the 1940’s. He’s the antithesis of stale as he sheds his sports coat, steps behind the podium and focuses on his target. He’s ready to win, whether it’s an upcoming election or propelling a new career. He winks and says, “Let’s get a few things off the table. Everybody knows by now, probably, that I grew up in Boston. But, Mr. Pegula, I’ve been a Sabres fan since the day I came out Continue reading

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It’ll Put Hair on Your Chest!

When I was a kid, grown-ups were always telling me to do awful things to get me to do what they wanted.  More often than not, these things involved my body or parts thereof.  As I grew older, I realized that some adults were just trying to be cute, and others really believed their sallies of wit would actually change my behavior.  The most confusing and, by far, the most used was “It’ll put hair on your chest!”  This Continue reading

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Big Men of Hollywood

Contrary to popular belief, there aren’t a lot of big men in the entertainment business.  Most look larger than they are due to a little camera magic using different angles, shorter supporting actors and actresses, and physical accoutrements such as lifts.  Sylvester Stallone and Tom Cruise are two such “giants” who are shrimp-like in person, Stallone at 5’10” (not confirmed in his stocking feet, however) and Cruise at 5’7″.  Sly’s pal Arnold Schwarzenegger at 6’1″ is no giant, but is often portrayed in King Kong proportions, thanks to a little Hollywood voodoo on the screen. Continue reading

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Time on your hands!

What is time?  Apparently, this is a difficult question.  Behold these textbook definitions:

1 – system of distinguishing events: a dimension that enables two identical events occurring at the same point in space to be distinguished, measured by the interval between the events.

2- period with limits: a limited period during which an action, process, or condition exists or takes place.

3-method of measuring intervals: a system for measuring intervals of time

Isn’t that a lot clearer?  Didn’t think so!  Time mystifies humankind.  We are obsessed with it, yet we can’t see it, hold it or Continue reading

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Of Mice and Men . . .

Ever notice how other people’s kids are out of control?  The same is true for their pets, too!  If you ever tried to enjoy your meal at a restaurant under the serenade of some screaming brat at the next table, or lied awake most of the night listening to the neighbor’s dog barking, you know the frustration.  The solution?  In a tale of imagination, you, or some other competent crusader, steal through the night, silently strangling noisy children and muting barking canines with a stealthy flick of the wrist, but you risk jail time acting as your own neighborhood Angel of Death! Continue reading

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